Healthy Food
“Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food.” This often quoted phase
spoken by Hippocrates around 400 BC has never been more relevant.
It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” – Mahatma Gandhi.
In fact, there is a sloka (excerpt of verse from the ancient texts of Ayurveda) that says “food is medicine when consumed properly.” If we eat foods uniquely suited to our physiology, and follow a sattvic (life supporting) routine that enhances digestion, our bodies will reap the benefits, and we will find that our Millets are group of cereal grains considered as super food because of its health benefits.
a) They are Gluten Free.
b) Rich source of Anti-Oxidants.
c) Rich source of Fibre which gives feeling of Satiety.
d) Helps to Regulate Blood Sugar.
e) Lowers Cholesterol & LDL.
f) Maintains Health Gut.
It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” – Mahatma Gandhi.
In fact, there is a sloka (excerpt of verse from the ancient texts of Ayurveda) that says “food is medicine when consumed properly.” If we eat foods uniquely suited to our physiology, and follow a sattvic (life supporting) routine that enhances digestion, our bodies will reap the benefits, and we will find that our Millets are group of cereal grains considered as super food because of its health benefits.
a) They are Gluten Free.
b) Rich source of Anti-Oxidants.
c) Rich source of Fibre which gives feeling of Satiety.
d) Helps to Regulate Blood Sugar.
e) Lowers Cholesterol & LDL.
f) Maintains Health Gut.

Foxtail Millets Pongal.

Finger Millets Appe.

Amaranth Beetroot Kebabs.

Mix Millets Pancakes

Millet Custard pudding.


Flex seed Chutney